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Unsere Arbeit:
Unsere Vielfalt.

Initiative für betriebliche Demokratiekompetenz

Strengthening democracy in the workplace.
Countering racism and conspiracy narratives.
Offerings for workforces, companies and vocational schools.


Training to become a competence manager in your company (employees)

Discrimination Fake News
Under the motto “Democracy concerns us all!” we train employees to recognize and actively counter discrimination, racism and anti-democratic behavior in the workplace. One component is our virtual training series for competence managers in the workplace context. The aim is to empower participants to counteract and prevent anti-democratic and discriminatory tendencies. As a final presentation, … Continued
Online event

Democracy Training for employees in the steel and automotive industry

Discrimination Democracy
Discriminatory statements and actions, the attempt to exert political influence on the part of the radical right and the transformation processes, especially in the industrial sector, are far-reaching challenges for companies and their workforces. We would like to work together with companies to promote a democratic, non-discriminatory and inclusive corporate culture. To this end, we … Continued
Advanced training (modular)

Communication and body language

Culture of discussion Communication
This workshop is about the role of verbal and non-verbal communication. The goal is to develop an awareness of how communication and body language work. Various exercises are used to reflect on one’s own communication and body language, and awareness is raised of behavioral aspects in an intercultural context. In addition, different aspects are tested, … Continued
Workshop (presence)

Democratic togetherness – living solidary values and communication in the company

Democracy Communication
Chemical and pharmaceutical companies face a variety of challenges that must be overcome from within, because crises and uncertainty that are not named and addressed collectively create dissatisfaction – among the workforce and management. An appreciative work culture, democratic processes and recognition are the basis for employees feeling comfortable and happy to come to work … Continued
Seminar (presence)

Intercultural competence for junior employees

Discrimination intercultural skills
Intercultural competencies are becoming increasingly important, especially for professional life, in order to ensure successful cooperation between diverse teams. This is because individuals with different perspectives, backgrounds and ideas often come together. In addition, prejudices or stereotypes can influence our interaction and communication. Against this background, the model project DiAA – Demokratie in Arbeit und … Continued
Workshop (presence)

Over a cup of coffee: Coexistence and exclusion at work

Democracy Culture of discussion
Module for internal exchange on togetherness, social injustice, exclusion and migration as an example topic. The offer can be adapted depending on the company and exists in three proposals of different scopes: half day, 2 half days and a full day. You can find out more about the offer “Aufn Kaffee” (over a cup of … Continued
Training course (presence)

Latest Blogs



Combating right-wing mobilization attempts in the workplace, strengthening workplace democracy

In conversation with Lukas Hezel from Baden-Württemberg

In recent years, the political far right has increasingly rediscovered the workplace as a battlefield for itself and is trying to position itself there as an alternative to the established trade unions. Many of the worries and needs people have are directly related to the world of work – so it’s no wonder that right-wing … Continued

Interactive map

34 projects

The 34 projects in the program are active in different regions and industries. The filterable map provides an overview of the projects and allows you to find the right offer. Selecting a project opens the detailed description.

All projects