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Our diverse offers can be used free of charge, as we are funded as a program by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (more about the program).
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Initial consultation for companies ‘Strengthening diversity, anti-discrimination and democratic culture in the company’

Democracy Corporate culture Diversity
Our society, and thus also the workforces in companies, are more diverse and complex than ever before. At the same time, co-determination, equal opportunities, participation, and protection against discrimination play a decisive role for more and more employees in their professional orientation. Companies are therefore increasingly confronted with issues that go hand in hand with … Continued

Correctly misunderstood?! – Interculturally competent in everyday life

intercultural skills Communication Diversity
Saxony Saxony-Anhalt Thuringia
Our working world is becoming increasingly diverse. Increased immigration of skilled workers and employees from other countries and cultures is also creating new constellations in the world of work. In addition to challenges, this also creates opportunities and new perspectives in everyday working life. The seminar provides an introduction to questions about culture and intercultural … Continued
Seminar (presence)

Argumentation training against discriminatory statements in the company

Argumentation training Anti-racism strategies Anti-discrimination
Every person is entitled to live as they wish, as long as this does not harm anyone else. This is not only stated in the Basic Law, but is also a task for works councils and for us as trade unionists. Nevertheless, we experience racism, discrimination and conspiracy theories within the workforce again and again. … Continued

Discrimination – and what does it have to do with me? An introductory workshop on the topic of discrimination

Discrimination Labor law Empowerment
What does discrimination actually mean and do I encounter it at work or at school? Who is affected by it, who benefits? And what can I actually do about it? In this workshop, we will deal with the most important terms around discrimination, the rights of trainees and relevant contact points and offers of help. … Continued
Workshop (presence)

On Amir’s tracks – an Escape Room

Anti-discrimination Anti-racism strategies
Brandenburg Saxony Saxony-Anhalt
Amir has been absent from work for a week. His trainer is worried because there is no sick leave and his colleagues don’t know why Amir hasn’t been at work. That’s why he sends you to his home. With the help of the puzzles and clues in the room, can you figure out why Amir … Continued
Escape Room (Presence)

Over a cup of coffee: Coexistence and exclusion at work

Democracy Culture of discussion Migration
Module for internal exchange on togetherness, social injustice, exclusion and migration as an example topic. The offer can be adapted depending on the company and exists in three proposals of different scopes: half day, 2 half days and a full day. You can find out more about the offer “Aufn Kaffee” (over a cup of … Continued
Training course (presence)

“Arriving and getting” – Input for migrants on labor law and co-determination

Migration Labor law Empowerment
Getting a foothold in the working world is particularly challenging for migrants. How does working in Germany work? What are the rules and, above all, what rights do I have as an employee? What rights do I have as an employee? These are basics that people who have grown up in other countries cannot know … Continued
Training course (presence)

What do you believe? Countering Fake News on the Net and in Everyday Life at Work

Fake News Media competence Conspiracy Beliefs
A forwarded message in a group chat that seems strange to you and no idea how you should classify it or even react to it – conspiracy myths and targeted disinformation campaigns have become a perennial topic in recent years. They are spreading rapidly, especially via social media, and are thus becoming a danger to … Continued
Seminar (presence)

Support diversity and collegiality

Corporate culture Anti-discrimination Anti-racism strategies
Antidemocratic aspirations are currently a growing problem in Europe and around the world. We are also noticing these changes in the world of work. The chemical and pharmaceutical industries in particular are going through periods of major upheaval and change – crises and uncertainty can be the cause of dissatisfaction – and this also applies … Continued
Seminar (presence)

Democratic togetherness – living solidary values and communication in the company

Democracy Communication Media competence
Chemical and pharmaceutical companies face a variety of challenges that must be overcome from within, because crises and uncertainty that are not named and addressed collectively create dissatisfaction – among the workforce and management. An appreciative work culture, democratic processes and recognition are the basis for employees feeling comfortable and happy to come to work … Continued
Seminar (presence)