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Training to become a competence manager in your company (trainees)

Under the motto “Democracy is everyone’s business!” we train employees and trainees to recognize and actively counter discrimination, racism and anti-democratic behavior in the workplace. One component is our virtual training series to become a competence manager in the workplace context.

In our virtual competence workshop “KoWerk”, we offer the training series with training modules for trainees. The primary aim is to give them a platform to exchange experiences and views on aspects of democracy promotion. The trainees are encouraged to become actively involved in the training company and to act as competence managers.

The contents of the training are prepared in a practical and interactive way and offer sufficient space for discussion and exchange of experiences.

Training agenda

Online event
  • Fact or Fake? Recognize and check fake news
  • Recognizing and checking conspiracy narratives
  • The Internet doesn’t forget: anti-democratic behavior in social media
  • Recognizing and countering discrimination and bullying in the workplace
  • Diversity and equality as an opportunity for companies and workforces: recognizing the benefits of a working climate in which diversity is respected and acknowledged

Learning targets

  • Recognize discriminatory behavior and develop strategies to reduce it
  • conflict-free and discrimination-sensitive work within the college
  • Encouragement to actively work for diversity in the (training) company
  • better assessment of one's own actions and increase of the ability to reflect
  • Training of own media competence / safe handling in social networks

Contact person

Team zuhören.verstehen.handeln.

03641 63 75 96