Antidemocratic aspirations are currently a growing problem in Europe and around the world. We are also noticing these changes in the world of work. The chemical and pharmaceutical industries in particular are going through periods of major upheaval and change – crises and uncertainty can be the cause of dissatisfaction – and this also applies to our own workplace. Discrimination in the workplace and a split in the workforce can be the result. This is a topic that is often given little space in everyday business life. However, a collegial and positive atmosphere that recognizes and values the differences and needs of all is just as important for the employees as it is for the company itself.
In this seminar we want to work out together which foundations can and should be created in the company and which ways are suitable to strengthen a non-discriminatory work culture in your company.
Training agenda
Basic principles for human resources management/the work of company interest groups
- Ideas of inequality and group-based hostility in the world of work
- Forms of discrimination in the world of work
- Damage to workforce and company
Structural promotion of anti-discrimination, diversity awareness and collegiality in the workplace
- General Equal Treatment Act (AGG): What is (not) allowed?
- What are my rights and duties as BR/JAV/management/PiL?
- Support in the development of a diversity-conscious corporate culture
Learning targets
- Recognizing forms of discrimination and misanthropy
- Increase awareness of everyday forms of discrimination in the workplace
- Knowing one's own options and obligations for action
- Strategic processing of a non-discriminatory corporate culture
Contact person
Nesimi Temel, Svenja Reinholtz0151 62 36 24 18, 0151 50935503