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Menschenwürdig. Betriebskultur. Gestalten.

Region(s): Thuringia Active in: Manufacturing and fabrication, energy, trade, automotive maintenance/repair, IT and engineering, mining, remediation and waste management, hospitality, home economics Project partner: Arbeit und Leben Thüringen

Individually adapted education and counseling in dealing with exclusion, discrimination and racism and conspiracy myths in the company context - offers for employees, works councils, management personnel

Project target

Establishment of a support network to improve social relations and democratic competence in companies. We provide support in dealing with racist attitudes and conspiracy ideologies in the workplace through advice, awareness-raising, further training and networking. In consultation with industry-specific trade unions (IG Metall, IG BCE, NGG), activities to implement codes of conduct are designed, evaluated and adapted.

Target group

Employees, personnel managers, trainers, works council members, trade union representatives, migrants


Consulting, coaching, training and networking on how to deal with exclusion, racism and conspiracy myths in the workplace:

  • Is a customer being discriminated against? Is a colleague being racially insulted? Is the supervisor spreading conspiracy myths? We support you in dealing with and preventing such and similar incidents – from unconscious discrimination to dealing with openly expressed hatred.
  • We would be happy to plan with you which suitable format we can use to support you in countering racism and exclusion in the world of work and shaping everyday life at work with more democracy.
  • Supporting migrant employees in getting to know democratic participation instruments in the workplace, such as co-determination committees.

Project offerings

Over a cup of coffee: Coexistence and exclusion at work

Democracy Culture of discussion Migration
Module for internal exchange on togetherness, social injustice, exclusion and migration as an example topic. The offer can be adapted depending on the company and exists in three proposals of different scopes: half day, 2 half days and a full day. You can find out more about the offer “Aufn Kaffee” (over a cup of … Continued
Training course (presence)

“Arriving and getting” – Input for migrants on labor law and co-determination

Migration Labor law Empowerment
Getting a foothold in the working world is particularly challenging for migrants. How does working in Germany work? What are the rules and, above all, what rights do I have as an employee? What rights do I have as an employee? These are basics that people who have grown up in other countries cannot know … Continued
Training course (presence)

Project partner

Arbeit und Leben Thüringen

Juri-Gagarin-Ring 152 99084 Erfurt

Funding amount

2021: 68.000 EUR
2022: 199.000 EUR
2023: 199.000 EUR
2024: 199.000 EUR