Practical training for employees, works council members and trade union volunteers on how to deal with racism and right-wing extremism in the workplace and on the construction site, project days for vocational schools
Project target
Structural change in the construction industry and the increase in the awarding of construction contracts by large general contractors to other subcontractors have changed working conditions. A wide variety of companies are often active on a construction site, and the pressure of competition among workforces is increasing. “Demokratie BAUen” counteracts further polarization between and within construction workforces and the spread of racist and right-wing extremist attitudes among employees. Participating employees develop new democracy skills and can pass on their new knowledge to the wider workforce.
Target group
Workforces, works councils, youth and trainee representatives, volunteer trade union members from companies throughout the construction industry; students and teachers at vocational schools and training centers (nationwide)
Workshops / coaching for staff members, works council members, members of youth and trainee representatives and volunteer trade union members
- on discrimination, racism, empowerment, conspiracy narratives, right-wing extremism and other topics
- Accompanying participants in the implementation of their own projects on construction sites and in the company
Project days for vocational school students/apprentices:
- Raising awareness of the issues of racism, conspiracy narratives, discrimination in the workplace, learning about possible courses of action against discrimination
Trainings for teachers at vocational schools/ training centers:
- Getting to know options for action in case of discriminatory statements and behavior in learning groups and possible own projects for diversity and openness at the vocational school
Project offerings
We all move from time to time! – Migration as a life theme
What does this have to do with me? – Collegial interaction with all
Contact person
Mareike Vorpahl030 246 39 530