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Handlungsfeld Betrieb: Demokratie stärken – Beteiligung fördern (NRW)

Region(s): North Rhine-Westphalia Active in: Steel, supplier and automotive sector Project partner: Verein zur Bewahrung der Demokratie e.V.

Becoming active together - recognizing racist and right-wing extremist positions in the workplace and standing up against them. Workshops for employee representatives, workforces and vocational schools.

Project target

The project offers educational work and argumentative discussions on right-wing extremist/racist attitudes for members of the workforce and works councils. The workshops offered aim to reduce susceptibility to anti-democratic positions and enable the participating employees to become active themselves against right-wing ideas.

Target group

Workforces and employee representatives in North Rhine-Westphalia, including works councils, representatives of the severely disabled, youth and trainee representatives, and store stewards (union members in the company). Vocational school students are also part of the target group. Participating employees can then act as multipliers in the company and reach other members of the workforce.


Supported by local actors and cooperation partners, we address with our offer in particular the workforces of companies where racist and right-wing extremist incidents are on the rise. We offer:

  • Qualification and advice to sensitize and strengthen workforces, works councils, youth and trainee representatives and trade union store stewards for a confrontation with right-wing populists and right-wing extremists. Short training courses, online seminars and in-depth seminars are offered.
  • Networking of workplace actors; dissemination of successful workplace examples through various networking opportunities and event formats, which are carried out in cooperation with IG Metall.

Contact person

Veit Voßhans

0151 629 80 262

Project partner

Verein zur Bewahrung der Demokratie e.V.

Roßstr. 94 40476 Düsseldorf

Funding amount

2021: 95.000 EUR
2022: 200.000 EUR
2023: 200.000 EUR
2024: 200.000 EUR