Together actively against discrimination and anti-democratic thought patterns in companies and schools! Workshops for vocational students on discrimination and options for action. Support for the implementation of own actions in companies and schools.
Project target
“Become Active – Recognize and Act on Discrimination” aims to raise awareness and empower vocational students: The project enables vocational students to work together against discrimination and anti-democratic tendencies in the workplace, to recognize racist thought patterns and to reduce their own resentment. They critically reflect on their own positions and perspectives, jointly develop action strategies for situations and structures of discrimination that occur in their own lives, and implement them in their own projects and actions in the workplace.
Target group
Vocational school students in Bremerhaven and Bremen. Through the work at the vocational schools and the implementation of the students’ own projects in their companies, vocational school teachers and the training companies are also reached.
In introductory and in-depth workshops, vocational school students are sensitized to the topic of discrimination and jointly develop options for action. The students deal with the following questions, among others:
- What forms can discrimination take?
- Does discrimination have anything to do with me?
- What can I do to counter discrimination?
In the final practical phase, the participants develop their own small projects and actions to deal with the topic. We accompany the implementation of the actions and projects in the company/school.
Project offerings
Discrimination – and what does it have to do with me? An introductory workshop on the topic of discrimination
Project material
Contact person
Petra Simonowsky0471 92231 11