Democracy is a big word – but we rarely fill it with concrete content. While anti-democratic efforts have been on the rise in Europe and around the world for years – in Germany, too, the value and achievements of our democracy are repeatedly doubted or even disputed in terms of how our living conditions have improved as a result of freedom and co-determination. This is also due to the fact that we are hardly aware of the impact of the democratic system on the many facets of our lives.
In this seminar, we will ask ourselves together what exactly does it mean to live democratic values and where do the influences of democracy show up in our daily and professional lives?
Training agenda
- Democracy – what does it mean for me and as an employee?
- What makes a decision democratic? What constitutes an (anti)democratic attitude?
- Democratic co-determination in society and in the workplace
- And how can we ourselves democratically shape the society and the company in which we like to live and work?
Learning targets
- Examination of one's own understanding of democracy
- Increase understanding and knowledge of democratic principles
- Raise awareness of the value of democracy
- Promotion of democratic values such as tolerance, respect and solidarity in everyday working life