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Taking a stand against discrimination in cooperation and external contact

We communicate every day – sometimes more, sometimes less successfully. Colleagues who get along well with each other and with customers achieve better results in the long term. This also includes taking a stance against discriminatory statements and actions.

In practical terms, it is about recognizing situations, finding ways to react and setting limits, for example in the face of racist or sexist slogans. Values such as justice and tolerance offer support and orientation as the foundation of our democratic coexistence. However, we rarely deal with them in our everyday work. That’s why we consciously take time for this in the workshop.

Together we will address questions such as: What shapes your cooperation? How do you react in challenging situations, in the event of differences of opinion or discrimination? What does it take for your corporate culture to benefit from diversity? With inputs, examples and interactive exercises, we invite you to exchange ideas about attitudes and collaboration and show how you can strengthen them through connecting communication.

Training agenda

Workshop (presence)

Why does a discrimination-sensitive attitude play a role in professional communication?

  • How do we deal with diversity in the workforce and among customers?
  • Prejudices – What are the causes of conflicts and discrimination in everyday work?
  • current state of knowledge (clarification of terms, study situation)
  • Arguments and starting points for you and your specialists
  • Action orientation with value map & compass (for democracy, companies and me)

How to show attitude in professional life?

  • Connecting communication with customers, colleagues and trainees
  • Recognizing discriminatory dynamics
  • Reacting to discriminatory statements or incidents
  • Freedom of expression and the limits of what can be said
  • What is punishable? General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)

Learning targets

  • Basic understanding of the topic dissemination and legal situation
  • Recognizing discriminatory processes in everyday business life
  • Knowledge of connecting conversation methods
  • Ability to act in challenging situations

Contact person

Grit Fenner

0151 12231055